Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yoga for Women

Who appears in the head of modern man, when he hears the word "yogi"? First of all - an old man with bronzed skin, which is against the background of ancient Indian temple takes the most incredible poses. In the meantime, if you choose between the sexes, the situation for the elders disappointing: a woman's body as if designed specifically for yoga classes. Woman graceful, slender, her muscles are soft and lightweight compared with the muscles of men. It is patient and enduring it. 

Yoga is necessary for every woman who wants to be healthy, strong, harmonious and elegant. 

Under the conditions of modern life - constant stress, immobility in the workplace, nightmarish gassed cities - physical activity, whether it be fitness, skating or dancing, it becomes a necessity. Everyone chooses his own - in nature, forces and capabilities. But among all the physical disciplines of yoga, perhaps the most universal means to regain a harmonious human. The tool is suitable for all. Including necessary yoga for women, which by their nature need to be calm and confidence? 

Chief Homework instead of well-deserved rest, the problems of children in school and communication, disagreements with spouse - all ills cling to each other and grow like a snowball: the farther away, themes and more. Sometimes we ourselves do not notice a prosperous and happy women turning into a jaded aggressive animals. The problems are not out of my life, but you can change yourself by opening a new source of strength - to deal with them. Yoga for women to help you. 

Today in the West, yoga for women - is a separate science. Science, which is useless to write, so it is big. Science of possession themselves and their body. 

They say health benefits of yoga like "side effect". Yes, it is the effect, though remarkable, but not the ultimate and main goal (and these goals are different from the achievement of harmony in itself to the so-called "disclosure of Kundalini). And yet, despite its "side", the use of the body is very pronounced: it is easy, it's performance, it is resistance to disease and disorders. How to write, yoga for women stimulates the harmonious functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, glandular, urinary and excretory systems. In all senses it is. Even the color of a woman's skin is getting better - your own blood circulation gives it a natural shine. And the creams are not necessary. So, too. Yoga for Women enhances sexual desire. Exactly

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