Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Breathing Yoga

You've probably heard that the key to health - it is proper breathing. Heard and did not attach importance, because in modern advertising nobody normally does not explain. Yes, and how to believe, if the "correct" breathing black berries - that one approach emerges, then another. The most interesting things - all of these "correct" breathing normally and in fact correct. But they have different objectives. 

Yoga breathing 

Breathing exercises yoga can easily replace all the small copyrights breathing practices, because it contains a great variety of pranayama - breath control techniques. Pranayama this is not one thousand years, and in most cases, newly invented yogis breathing exercises is based on ancient knowledge. Therefore it is reasonable, instead of practicing some way by the book, John Doe, to enroll in yoga - in addition to correct breathing in yoga, you get a whole set of physical and mental exercises, all of which are guaranteed to improve your life. 

Why use a real yoga pranayama, slowing breathing? The scheme is very simple. Slow yoga breathing increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. Accordingly, the reduced oxygen content, which over time leads to a trance, in which suddenly appear mystical experiences. Yoga, thirsty detachment from reality and admitting to the cosmos, this is what should be. 

But with the passage of time it became clear that pranayama has other properties: it heals the body, and each does it differently. See breathing exercises yoga: 

Full Breath Yoga 

Respiratory strengthened and become healthy, increases lung capacity. Normalizes blood pressure, improves cardiac performance, and increases resistance to disease. The nervous system comes into balance; the body is released from toxins, and improves the overall condition of the person gains happiness. 

Cleaning Yoga breathing 

Especially useful after all sorts of emotional conflicts, stressful situations. Also used to restore the natural respiration after long delays breathing, running, or after strenuous asanas and pranayama, as well as to relieve any fatigue. Refreshes and gives a sense of lightness. 

Pashimotanasana (asana combined with breathing exercises) 

Improves function of liver, spleen, kidney, pancreas and other abdominal organs. Gives the rest heart, calms the nerves, a beneficial effect on the sex glands. Increases the flexibility of the spine, helps correct its distortions, stretches and tones the muscles of the back, legs and hands. 

Such a yoga full of them. The main thing - to find a competent teacher who can tell, show and monitor compliance. And then doing yoga breathing exercises with all the pros to help you. 

In addition to the method of pranayama in yoga there is a method swara-udai who first used the Shiva himself. The method is based here in what fact: between breathing through the left and right nostril there is a huge difference. And the main purpose of swara-udai - to teach mankind how to breath through a nostril to pursue those or other problems - from determining the sex of the child and ending with the achievement of power over another person. But this, of course, not here...

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