Saturday, March 6, 2010

Yoni Mudra

Yoni Mudra is the state pratyahara ( "diversion feelings"). 

1. Sit down and take up a comfortable posture for meditation (best Siddhasana). Relax and close your eyes. 

2. Take a deep slow breath and hold your breath. 

3. Close your ears with your thumbs, gently pressed on the tragus of each ear (tragus - a protrusion of the cartilage in front of ear openings). Close your eyes and gently push your index fingers on the outer corners of the closed eyelids. Close the nostrils middle fingers and apply the ring finger over his lips, and little fingers under the lip to close the mouth. 

4. Hold the breath with the help of Yoni Mudra, look at the point between the eyebrows (Ajna Chakra). Concentrate on this point and try to see the iridescent blue island - "the spiritual eye, surrounded by golden light around, but in the middle of it must be a tiny five-pointed star, a silver-white and shining. Immerse yourself in this star and meditate. Listen to all the internal sounds, as it should be in Technology Nada Yoga.

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