Saturday, March 6, 2010

Prana, vital energy and the universe

"When the prana in the body is present, it is called life when it leaves the body, death occurs. Is therefore necessary to engage in pranayama (Svat-marama. "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" 2: 3). 

The Sanskrit word "Prana" means "the main element of vitality". It is designated by many terms: "life energy", "breath of life" and "vitality". Paramhansa Yogananda is the word translated as "standard rod", ie the cluster of ideas about God and the essence of the astral world. 

Paramhansa Yogananda is inspired by God himself has developed a system of 39 "energetiziruyuschih exercises" to charge directly to the brain and the body of cosmic energy (pranoi). But his followers, who went on his way kriya yoga and have done a charging these exercises, learn the secret of how to charge the body pranoi, bearing life, "electric shock" given to us by God as they wish at any time and anywhere. 

Prana is the link between the astral and physical bodies. When this link breaks or cuts, the astral body separates from the physical, and there comes what we call death. Prana leaves the physical body, moving in the astral body. Similarly, if you disconnect the battery from the motor vehicle or off any electrical appliance from the outlet, the car and appliance fail, because they are dead without the flow of electricity, piercing them. 

In the realm of humans, animals and plants all depends on the air, which is sent to us for life. Life, the prana and breath are closely interrelated. There is no life form can survive or even move without the flow of energy, called pranoi. 

"When the breath (prana) restless, the mind also becomes unstable, but when the breath is calm, the calm and reason. Then the Yogi attains quite motionless state of consciousness (citta). Therefore necessary to restrain the breath "(Svatmarama." Hatha Yoga Pradipika "2: 2). 

Prana is closely connected with the mind and thinking processes, the motion of one can not exist without the movement of another. When the soul is restless, is restless and breathing, and vice versa - Breathing (the movement of prana) affects the mind and thinking process. 

It is only necessary to understand the nature of such emotions as anger, fear, hatred and jealousy, to realize their impact on our breathing. When we are angry or depressed, markedly changing the frequency and depth of breathing. For example, when we are angry, the breath becomes more frequent, and we are losing control over them while on his mind. The anger is intensifying, and shakes the whole nervous system and, moreover, may give rise to hatred, even worse, because when your heart is set on hate, can not be configured to communicate with God, who is the embodiment of love. 

Emotions and intelligence activities related to the nervous system and through it cause changes in respiration. That is why it is important to develop positive-| wearing kzhizni and positive thinking, as well as to overcome the undesirable negative and destructive tendencies and behavior. How? Educating themselves in virtue, we identify ourselves with the divine qualities: love, inner joy, compassion, generosity, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, forgiveness, peacefulness, serenity and contentment. 

When these virtues manifest themselves naturally and spontaneously, the energy flows naturally, permanently and in abundance. Directed upwards, Prana pervades every pore of the body, ennobling consciousness. Conversely, if in our thoughts, attitudes and actions prevail negative trends, suppressing our natural feelings, the flow of Pranic energy goes down, concentrating in the lower body. Body and mind are suppressed, and breathing becomes unstable. 

Pranayama helps to transform the very identity of the person and to eliminate mental obstacles, clearing the subtle channels (nadi), which flows in | prana current, causing the life to dormant vitality of the body, learn to focus, to enhance health and vitality in general. 

"With proper and thoughtful Pranayama is attained excellent health, a peaceful, stable mood and a strong, free from disease body radiating energy" (Svatmarama. "Hatha Yoga Pradipika 2: 16-18). 

Pranayama is primarily focused on mind control and the suspension of reason and the ego-consciousness (pose Vritti - see below), to achieve peace of mind. When the thoughts are paralyzed, and breathing becomes smooth, bright shining light of true inner self. Light of the true "I" is always clear, although it is painted with colored "filters" of thinking. And if you eliminate these filters will remain one of pure light - the light of true self.

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