Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Balance - glow face of a beautiful luster

• Promote digestion 
• Promote metabolism, eliminate toxins and pathogens through the intestinal tract 
* Center for help in finding a self-soul 
• Promote the skin clean 
* Prevention of premature skin wrinkling 

Action essentials: 
Taken to sitting, tight Long legs. With both hands supporting the body on both sides of the hip after. The legs straight forward, then backward an increase of about 60 °, legs straight, contract the knee. In order to maintain balance, center of gravity to automatically move a little backwards. The head remained upright (as shown), will focus on a point between the eyebrows above. Began to "fire breathing": nose forced to quickly breathing, abdominal breathing will be slightly relaxed, but when will the suddenly tense breath, maintain this position a ~ 2 minutes. Finally deep aspiratory and expiratory, and carefully put the legs on the ground. 

"Balance" practice is Kriya (kriya) the body exercises the U.S. unit of four. It is based on skin beauty as a subject of the asana (asana) 5 cell series of exercises component. A difference in emphasis for each practice, roles are also different, individually practice. But if you can Criado body exercises with former U.S. three modules: "warm back" practice, "bare chest" exercises and "flat belly" practice followed by a finish, a better effect. 

Prior to each practice and practice are to be done after the end of asana (asana, began to move), and for Mantra (mantra, mantra yoga style of singing) end of the action. Sitting cross-legged position or to take 1 minute to take a deep breath, and then rest. 

Special Note: 
* If you have not yet mastered "fire breathing" could be replaced by long, deep abdominal breathing. 
* Disable passing through during the "fire breathing." 
* Pregnant women should stop all exercise. 
* Relax the shoulders, so that shoulders sink. 
* Keep the relaxed state, a natural smile.

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