Sunday, January 31, 2010

Training Heart rate. Control pulse

The man is a signal from his body. When a man reaches the limits of his work, he has an increased heartbeat. This tachycardia - a symptom, especially when it comes to consciousness, felt by man. In everyday life it is a cause for concern and anxiety. Should I run to the doctor, if the organism itself signals about the failures and tries to let fly, or something you can help the body recover from illness? Estimated heart rate are low. Estimated. While the man has not reached the limit of their functions or did not receive damage, heart rate into account not penetrated. Nature is wise. Fight with the laws useless, but it can help. To do this you need to know some of its laws. No medicine can repeat such a set of processes that produces a living organism. None of the pharmaceutical factory was not able to develop one set of biochemical tools that easily supports, monitors and changes within themselves the most primitive cell. Let us try to understand the details of the laws of nature. 
For this we must change a little point of reference. All the old terms and concepts will be practically null and void. No need to learn different theories of medicine and biology. No need to know all about the biochemistry and life processes, which are still not clear properly, yourselves and the theory of change from year to year. Plants, insects, animals do not know about it, however they live. All processes are supported by nature. And not a process it is not a spontaneous and casual. Therefore you should not try to explain everything. Will you know or not - it will change little. You can simply use the laws of nature right now, for the benefit of themselves. Since the ancient did not know why burning wood or the wind blows, but this did not prevent them to use both for their own purposes. 
The blind can learn all the books on optics, or art, but he will remain blind. To become an artist - not necessarily read all the books on art, optics, and the device's eyes. Enough to take pencil to paper, learn a few laws and then only to practice. Therefore we do not give "thick books". 
Practice, and become the artist of his being. Moreover, it can be done in bed, in transport, at work and anywhere. The body and the heart is always with you. Your health in your hands! 

INTRODUCTION. Body functions 

First, let's look at the work of the body. Read this carefully, and you lot in your body will become clear. For better understanding, we do not use specific terms, although each body part or function of the organism has its own name. 

Every living cell is a set of the same functions as that of the whole organism. This acceptance of nutrients from the blood, excreta output, the synthesis of new chemical compounds, etc. Cell in the same way as the organism has a different phase of its existence, but almost all of them fall into two categories - the phase of rest and activity. At the stage of active vessels narrow, the cell drops from a fluid, the muscles and tissues - blood and lymph, blood pressure rises. In phase passive (rest) blood vessels dilate, the pressure drops, muscle tissue and suck blood and lymph in itself. But in the rest phase do not imply that the cell does nothing. In it are the same complex processes. All these cells do not work by themselves, and are connected together in the body, and their teams carry out the same phase. Sami phase in the body change and adjust for 20 - 30 minutes. During this time, information about the processes is carried throughout the body. Expose individuals to cold or heat, fear, sexual excitement, overvoltage or any emotion, the transition from sleep to bodrovstvovaniyu and vice versa - the body will be reconstructed only through this time. 
If you are careful enough, you'll notice that people have a certain limit and the variability of their experiences. Any grief or joy are felt only in the extent to which an organism is capable of that person. And grief and joy is a biochemical and emotional reaction of the organism, and they last for 20 - 30 minutes. Weeping this time, the man calmed down, but if the hill is really serious, then people will cry again, but only after half an hour. And what better one phase, the more complete and better will be the opposite. If a person has an active day, and even with physical labor and the fresh air, his sleep will be as profound. The more people went hungry, was without water or air, the greater will be the opposite phase - small in quantity and quality of the portion of food, water or air will cause a violent reaction in the body, the more cells will assimilate the received material. Weeping from the heart, the person feels relieved, and come to mind some positive thoughts. So it is with joy. Having survived the excitement, the man quickly calmed down. First impressions of brightness through twenty minutes, then after a few days and weeks, disappear entirely. Maybe even feeling some disappointment. This is also a physiological reaction, but people will charge it in everyday life compared with the fact that triggered his enthusiasm. So when we speak of endless happiness, they do not know the principles of the organism. In the end, adrenal glands, hormones "happiness" - adrenaline, adrenaline and nor amphetamines, run out and people die. The same can be said about drugs - mechanically introducing these substances into the body, the person is seeking happiness, but happiness is a certain phase of the cell body, and they are all the laws of nature cause the opposite to her already own. It turns out "breaking". 

Information for intelligence and outlook on life each has its own, but the emotions and reactions of the organism in all standard. In doing pulse, digging into yourself, you will see many interesting things and a lot of you will become clear. You will see how ridiculous psychology, trying to explain something to some sort of intellectual constructs. You'll see that in any election policy promised a better life, even though the property is located in the man himself, and the overall level of happiness and sorrow always been about the same. Organism itself changes the phase, the best way adjusting to life. The younger the body and the less he thinks - the brighter the emotions, more joy and stronger health. People in poor families or countries have the same joy and sorrow, and how many people in the rich. Only reason, they cause a little different. Our ancestors lived without cell phones, TVs and other goods, but were no less happy. You also understand why successful people seem to be prone to depression and suicide. Just feeling exhausted, and nothing new, that it may cause, anymore. Problems with them as much and the rest. But the joy did not come in sight, and the realization that even this level of life are not happy, then what will happen if they lose it - is their fear and nervousness. It is also interesting to look at people who have some information, such as movie or book that will inspire and interest, and now they are sincerely trying to make your friends and family to watch or read them. I wonder if you do not encounter the same reaction. They simply have this information did not raise the same feelings. There are, of course, some common feelings, but feelings of everyone having their own way. Therefore, some interest is even hard physical labor, and they are willing to pay money to go to gyms, and some even a delegation of aliens in the next room will not cause a sense of interest, excitement, surprise or fear. 

We plunged into the psychology is not accidental. So you will understand that no external environment or information plays a major role in life, but the organism itself. And denial, as well as anger, though shackled life functions, sometimes as the body needs for normal flow of life processes. For the mind needs an external enemy. Thus, humanity is able to forget old grudges and unite, for example, the threat from space. If they are alone in the universe, then they will blame on the ground, it will be other countries or peoples, if the earth is to leave one state, then the blame will once again be any party or government. Therefore, even strong countries should wage war, that to avoid confusion inside. If left on the ground, one team or the family - there will also be guilty and disputes. Reasons exist, because there is the potency of the organism. Even if the most proper person to leave alone for a few years - he can go mad, if there is no harmony within it. It depends only on the characteristics of an organism. Remember this during training. However, the anger, too, is within half an hour and gives way to another phase. In the opposite case the organism would be killed. In fast reactions is of course a general background, which may take several weeks or months, depending on the life episodes, and there is a predisposition to some reactions of the organism, which is called character. 

Consider another example. The man takes the food, the feeling of saturation comes twenty minutes later, when the blood would spread nutrients throughout the body, lost the tone in the muscles, blood prilet to the stomach and the body will signal an end to the activity and the beginning of digestion. The cells come in a phase of rest, and they will begin the synthesis of necessary substances and acids. In the active phase is impossible, so if you do not give the body a rest, it will be exhaustion and general weakness, as if man is not well fed. This is especially noticeable in people who have such disruptions, and the disease is called dystrophy. Under normal processes of your body enough of all substances and vitamins in their daily diet. And how many patients do not feed, food will pass through the body is not digesting, and a set of weight or force such people will not. In such cases, doctors recommend rest and nourishing diet. In general, rest is recommended in most cases in the hope that the organism finds itself out of this imbalance in the functions. At the time of resting cells respond to small external stimuli, engaging in its processes. Everyone knows that the sick person primarily in his sleep, and also cured in most cases in his sleep. Reaction to illness or physical damage the same for all wildlife. Animals, birds, reptiles and even insects in the disease are in a state of rest, and the body is looking for ways of treatment. Tone in the muscles decreases, diseased tissues and organs are filled with blood, swell. In them there is pain, throbbing, or other sensations that give a signal the body to the termination of treatment and attention to the damaged area. Those injuries are not immediately felt in the active phase, appear in perception after a period of rest. Thus, rising after sleep, the person feels pain in the damaged areas, and swollen areas themselves. And weakens a person or animal during the illness because the organism itself reduces its activity and fluid pressure, muscle tone. While all of these parts of the body were a man all his life, clearly felt they were only at the time of illness, and not always physical damage. 


In the body there is no element, everything is clearly linked. Have you ever noticed how people stretched in the morning after sleep or after a long stillness? Man on the breath with bent arms begins to pull back, then this feeling translates pandiculation first on one side, then another, then a good feeling goes forward and stretches his legs, pressing them feel. Then a sharp exhalation. Move the body from rest to cheer and readiness for action is completed. Attempting to do so in a different sequence, contrary to the body, leading to loss of sensation. If the organism was not sleepy, the desire to perform such movements do not occur or would not be such a pleasant experience. To do this indefinitely, too, do not get - the phase changed and reached its edge. The cells were taken from the movements and sensations as you can. Infinitely evoke a sense of cheerfulness, happiness, sorrow, etc. impossible - functions have their limits. Thus, when yawning, when the body reaches the limit of tonic activity - there are tears - a signal of opposite functions - functions of relaxation and lowering the tone. 
General toning (irritation or stress) the outer parts of the body, back, head, the outer side of the hands and feet included in the body active. Toning the upper part of the head and the back of the back (in Eastern medicine, this part is called Urine vessel) causes a signal to all cells of the body of the restructuring of functions and discharge of the liquid. People, often emerging in swollen and with bags under his eyes, to become a regular dinner cheerful appearance and swelling decreases. These processes (improving tone, vivacity and compression of blood vessels) contributes to good cold. A good example of how the cold winter people instantly acquires courage and clarity of perception. But for the inclusion of the processes which bring the fluid from the body through the bladder. Fades sweating and there are impulses to emptying of the bladder. Cold shower quickly turns off the drowsiness, fatigue and weakness in the body. Spillage ice water on his back is a powerful breath, then breathing stops, the body is pulled along, and back straightens even hunched people, leveled cervical spinal curvature. Another reaction is not possible, these are the laws of the living body. You can check this on themselves. 
You can find many examples of these facts. When the body must include a quick reaction force, or attention, he starts it is these processes. People in front of important and responsible events unconsciously adjust itself to this mode of operation of the organism, and, as a rule, want to the toilet several times an hour. Dogs or cats before the fight tone up your back, take square off, their hair stands on end. Ungulates at risk take appropriate counter, straining his back. By the way, the ears are in a very fortunate place. Nature does not have anything "just because", and at a voltage of ears during capture any sounds immediately going toning the back and top of the head and the body switches over to activity. If you get an air stream, such as the fan on the face, toning the same processes and a sense of lightness and space, even in the most cramped and stuffy room. It is not dependent on oxygen, and by toning and feeling. The brighter the feeling, the more cells and nerve endings are involved, the more toning. And even the slightest irritation can cause a great effect in the body. 

Quite the opposite processes are taking place at toning the inner parts of the arms and legs, abdomen and chest. These processes are responsible for relaxation and rest, like heat. That is, if a person is placed in the heat, soften it, his body hunched, shoulders slumped. The vessels will expand, the tone in the muscles disappears, blood prilet to the skin. There will be comfort, weakness, and slow breathing. The dominant will exhale, then there will be a feeling when, after a certain expiration time for a while do not want to inhale. Body "rest", that is working within it, summarizing the substance necessary for life and correcting imbalances. And the stronger will this phase, for example, in a hot sauna, then so will be more active phase - the phase of lightness in the body and emotions. Observe how children weep. After the closure of a child weeping, sobbing, begins to breathe a broken, heavily and often breathing. Exhalation almost imperceptible, the body is rebuilt. A few minutes later it is again a happy and contented all the creature residing in the active mode. When toning the inner parts of the body stops water release from the body. Children, although the toilet, begin to bend your back straight and pressed his hands to the body, compressing the lower abdomen. In a similar toning the body switches to the other processes and the desire to go to the toilet disappears. This is done instinctively, without the knowledge of domestic laws. In any other position of the body the desire to go to the toilet will not disappear, as it will not compress the lower abdomen. 
Effect of ointment to combat osteochondrosis, rheumatism, radiculitis and pains in muscles is based only on the temperature increase in the damaged areas of the body and the blood flow in these areas. That is, these creams do not cure, they only help the body cope with the disease. The same thing you can do pulse, increasing blood flow to where it is impossible to deliver the ointment: in the bone, into the depths of the pelvis or chest, the internal tumor at any sore spot. 


Sometimes there are failures in the body, when the same body trying to accomplish conflicting functions. When pereoholozhdenii body tries to warm up, expanding blood vessels and cells giving warmth, and he does it to save lives and health, but the low temperature starts processes vasoconstriction. It appears tremor - a rather unpleasant feeling, signals the need to change the situation.

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