Sunday, January 31, 2010

Best meditation from Master Osho. Orange Book

"Orange Book" is a collection of meditation techniques that gave Osho, combined with excerpts from books containing records of his conversations morning and evening talks. Some of the techniques - Vipasana, Nadabrahma, Whirling - were known meditator of many traditions for centuries, while others-Dynamic, Kundalini. Gourishankar - and reflect the wisdom of these traditions, and the discoveries of modern psychology, they are a unique gift for the modern man. Taken together, they give you a rare opportunity to make every effort to achieve here and now and find themselves. 
Organization of the book section should be the time proposed for each of the Osho meditation, but these sections - only recommendations, not the frozen category. Infinitely better than to engage in dynamic meditation in the evening than in general it does not do. And, if the job allows, you can sing and dance all day. Think of meditation as an adventure, and the "Orange Book" - as your guide. 


Osho, may have created more awareness of techniques for people of their inner nature than any other wizard. This book meditation techniques - a small but important part of the funds used to them. Osho had an extraordinary ability to draw the events of everyday life - the life, work, relationships with others - in a situation in which we can become more conscious. 
Dar Osho is that he works with a full understanding of human complexity of the twentieth century. He gives us perspective, we can see and choose from a variety of methods. It has no dogma, under which all fit. Use whatever works, all that can increase our awareness of - the ancient methods of yoga, new methods of psychotherapy, its own unique methodology. 
Osho said: "The whole life - a challenge for growth. This is also true religion and true philosophy, because true religion can not be anything other than a true psychology. I call this the psychology of "the psychology of the Buddhas". It throws us a great challenge to be more than you are. It gives you a divine dissatisfaction. It inflames within you a desire to go higher and higher, no higher than others, but above him. 

The greatest joy in life 

When I say: "meditate", I know that with the help of meditation is not achieved anything, but through meditation you reach the point where it becomes possible lack of meditation. 
The first thing to know is - what is meditation. Everything else will follow. I can not tell you that you should meditate, I can only tell you what it is, what it is. If you understand me, you'll be in meditation, and there is no "must". If you do not understand me, you will not be in meditation. 

What is meditation? 

What is meditation? Meditation - a state of no-mind. Meditation - a state of pure consciousness without content. Usually our minds are too crowded with rubbish, just like a mirror covered with dust. 
Um - the constant throng, moving thoughts, desire to move, moving memories, moving ambition - is a permanent roost! Day comes, day goes. Even when you sleep, the mind works, he is dreaming. This is still thinking, it is still excitement and sadness. He is preparing for the next day, continuing undercurrent of the preparation. 
This condition - not meditation. Just the opposite is meditation. When there is no crowding, and an end of thinking, no one thought does not move, no desire is not retained, you are completely silent - a silence is meditation. And in this silence The truth is known, more than ever. 
Meditation - a state of no-mind. 
You can not find the meditation with the mind, as the mind will always find himself. You can find meditation, only delaying the mind to one side while remaining cool, indifferent, unidentified with the mind watching the mind passes, but not identifying with him, not thinking that I have it. 
Meditation - is the realization that "I do not have the mind". When consciousness goes deeper and deeper, little by little, there are moments - moments of silence, silence, moments of pure space, moments of transparency, the moments of moments, when nothing in you not kept, all the time. In these moments of constancy, the silence will know who you are, and you'll learn the secret of being this life, this existence. 
One day, a day of great happiness, when meditation becomes your natural state. 
Um - this is something unnatural, he never stops will not be your natural state. But meditation - is the natural state that we have lost. This - a lost paradise, but paradise can be returned. 
Look in the children's eyes, take a look - and you'll see amazing great silence, and innocence. Every child comes with the meditative state, but he should be instructed in the way of society - it must be taught how to think about how to figure out how to think, how to argue, it must be taught words, language and concepts. And little by little, he loses contact with his innocence. He becomes tainted, polluted society. It becomes an effective mechanism, it is no longer a man. 
All that is needed - is back again this space. You already know it, so that when you first learn meditation, you'll be surprised - because you are experiencing a great feeling that you already knew it before - in you there a great feeling that you knew it before. And this feeling you can not deceive it truthfully: you already know it. 
You forget. Diamond lost in the mountains of garbage, but if you can clear them, you will again find that diamond - it's yours. In fact, it can not be lost, as it can only be forgotten. We are born meditators, and then we are exploring ways of the mind. But our true nature remains hidden somewhere deep inside, like a subterranean stream. One day, a bit further, you will find that the source is still pours - a source of clean water, and the greatest joy in life - to find him. 

Be natural and relaxed 

You can become an obsessive meditation, and obsession is a problem: you were obsessed with money, and now you are obsessed with meditation. The problem is not money, the problem - an obsession. You were obsessed with the mundane, now you are obsessed with God. The problem is not in the mundane, and in possession. Need to be relaxed and natural - and not possessed by anything - neither the mind nor meditation. 

Meditation techniques 


Laughter, Movement and catharsis 
All of meditation are subtle ways in which you can make you drunk - do you drunkards divine. Only when you are fully in bloom - free, not obsessed - you come higher. 
Meditation - a medicine. It is the only medicine. So forget about your problems, just move into meditation. 
Meditation is the door to the mysteries of life. 
The first thing to do is laugh, it will set the tone throughout the day. If you wake up laughing, soon you will begin to feel how absurd life. Nothing serious, even your failures are worthy of laughter, even your pain is ridiculous, even you are ridiculous. 

Meditation laughter 

Every morning, before you get up, before you opened your eyes, stretch like a cat. Stretch every fiber of his body. After three or four minutes with the still closed eyes start to laugh. Within five minutes, just laugh. 
First you do it, but soon the sound of your attempts to cause real laughter. Utratte themselves in laughter. This may take a few days until it really happens, because we are quite unaccustomed to this phenomenon. But after a while it will be spontaneous and change the whole nature of your day. 
For those who have difficulty with total laughter, or those who feels that they are false, laughter, Osho offers the following - a simple technique. 
Early in the morning before you have something to eat, drink almost a whole bottle of water - warm water with salt. Drink it and do it quickly, otherwise you will not be able to drink a lot. Then just lean forward and coughing, so that the water turned back. This will be vomiting water, and it will clear your pathways. Nothing more to be done. In pathways exist block, so that when you want to laugh, he stops laughing. 
In yoga it is - a necessary procedure to be followed. It is called "a necessary cleansing, it is surprisingly clean and provides a very easy pass - all 'blocks dissolve. You'll enjoy it and feel clean throughout the day. Laughter and tears, and even your speech will come from the deepest center. Do this for ten days, and you will have the best laugh. 

Meditation "Golden Light" 

This is a simple way to transform your energy and direct it to the higher. Exercise should be done at least twice a day. The best time - early morning, just before you get out of bed. At the moment when you feel awake, woke up, do it for twenty minutes. Do it right at this moment, because when you wake up, you are very thin and sensitive, you are very sacred and the impact will be profound. When you have just woken up, you are less in mind than it has ever been, so that the method can penetrate through the cracks of the mind to the very innermost core. Early in the morning when you wake up and when waking up all the land, there is a huge tidal wave of energy awakening around the world - use this tide, do not miss this opportunity. 
All ancient religions used the early morning for prayer - when the sun rises, as the rising sun - a rising all the energies of life. At this point you can just move in the wake of rising energy, it will be easier than at other times. In the evening it will be harder to fall off the energy, then you have to fight over. In the morning you will move with the flow. 
Just lie down, as you usually lie in his bed on his back. Keep your eyes closed. When you inhale, imagine a golden light entering through your head in the body, as if the sun was very close to your head. You simply empty, and the golden light fills your head and go deep, the depth of the toes. When you inhale, imagine that. This golden light will help, it will clear all your body and fill it with creativity. This - male energy. And when you exhale, they presented another: the darkness is part of the toes, the great dark river flows into the soles of your feet, rises and leaves the head. Breathe slowly and deeply to this report. This - female energy. She will soften, make sensitive, it will calm you and give you rest. Do this very slowly and, as you get out of cna you will have a very deep and slow breathing, as well as the body is rested, it is relaxed. 
Another best time - when you go to sleep at night. Lie down in bed and relax for a few minutes. When you begin to feel that you are on the borderline between sleeping and waking, just in the middle, begin to exercise again. Do it for twenty minutes. If you fall asleep, making it is - the best way to act would remain in the subconscious and will continue to work. If you practice this simple method for three months, you'll be surprised - no need to suppress, the transformation began in itself. 

Expect the sunrise 

Fifteen minutes before sunrise, when the sky becomes lighter, just wait and watch waiting for his beloved: so intensely, with such a deep expectation, with such hope and enthusiasm, silence. And let the sun will rise - keep watching. No need to look, you can close your eyes. Feel that inside the body at the same time something goes. 
When the sun appears on the horizon, start to feel that it is very close to the navel. It rises here and there inside the belly button is rising, slowly rises. There, the sun rises, and here rises the point of the inner light. Take this for ten minutes. Then close your eyes. When you first see the sun with his eyes open, it creates a negative, so that when you close your eyes, you can see the sun shining inside. And that you had changed considerably. 

Praise be to the rising sun 

Get up at five o'clock in the morning, before sunrise, and within a half hours just sing, hum, moan. These sounds may not be meaningful, they must be existential, but not meaningful. They should bring you pleasure - that's all, that's their purpose. You have to swing. Let it be a praise of the rising sun, and stop only when the sun rose. 
This will keep you in a certain rhythm throughout the day. In the morning you will be set accordingly and you will see that the day of a different quality, you are more loving, more considerate, more compassionate, more friendly and less violent, less angry, less ambitious and selfish. 

Meditation Mandala 

This is another powerful technique of catharsis, which creates an energy range, resulting in an alignment. There are four stages of fifteen minutes each. 
The first phase - 15 minutes. With open eyes run in the same place, start slowly and gradually accelerates. Lift your knees as far as possible, up. Deep and rapid breathing to direct energy inward. Forget about the mind and body and continue. 
The second phase - 15 minutes. Sit with your eyes open and mouth open and relaxed. Do not abruptly rotate the upper torso (from waist) like a reed, rock by the wind. Feel the wind swings you from side to side, forward and backward. This will bring your awakened energies to the center of the navel. 
Third stage - 15 minutes. Lying on your back, open your eyes and without moving his head, roll your eyes in a clockwise direction. Let them fully rotate in their sockets, as if you watched the second hand giant clock, but as soon as possible. It is important that the mouth remained open and jaw relaxed, breathing - soft and smooth. This will bring your energy centered in the third eye. 
Fourth Stage - 15 minutes. Close your eyes and be still. 

Beating pillows 

When you feel anger, there is no need to direct anger at someone, just angry. Let this be a meditation. Close in the room alone, and let the anger will manifest itself as much as you can. If you feel that you could beat somebody, beat the pillow. 
Do whatever you want; pillow will never protest. If you want to kill the pillow, grab a knife and kill her! It helps, it helps greatly. It is inconceivable as it may help cushion. Just beat it, bites, throws. 
If you are against someone, write his name on a pillow or moored to her photograph. You feel stupid, stupid, but the anger - is absurd, with this you do not have to do. So let himself and will be, and enjoy them as an energy phenomenon. He - energy phenomenon. If he was not affected, there is nothing wrong with that. When you have time and again that you try, you will see that the thought of how someone to hurt disappear. Let this be a daily practice - only twenty minutes each morning. And then watch all day. You will become more balanced, because the energy that becomes anger, unleashed, the energy that has become a poison extracted from the system. Doing it, at least two weeks, and within a week you will be surprised to discover that no matter what the situation, anger does not arise. Just try. 

Breathe like a dog 

It is difficult to work with the anger directly, because it can be suppressed very deep. Then work indirectly. Running will evaporate much of the anger and fear. When you have a long run, while a deep breath, the mind ceases to function, and the body is released. One very small exercise can help. If someone is not going below the stomach, lower abdomen - there are some difficulties, he can run and breathe, like a dog. He can stick his tongue out, so he hung, run in circles, like a dog, and breathe. The whole channel will be open. If someone somewhere is blocked, a breath can be very important. If he breathes half an hour, his anger stems itself. At that included all of his body. So you can sometimes taste it in my room. You can use a mirror and growl at him. For three weeks you will feel that everything has moved very deeply. When anger is relaxed and went out, you will feel freedom. 
Meditation begins with catharsis and ends with the celebration.

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