Saturday, January 2, 2010

Meditation in Christianity

In Christianity, meditation is a form of interior prayer. Is done in a church or chapel, in the presence of the Eucharist, or in the privacy of their room. Preferably you in the morning, before any other action of the day. 

In its most general form is developed through several subsequent steps: 
It begins with the invocation of the Holy Spirit because it is the inner light of the meditator. 
Opens to the contemplation of a Gospel scene or reading a passage from the Bible or another book that can help. 
Deepens the significance of the episode or the teaching in question. It does so through reasoning and research of new situations and biblical passages similar or related. 
Focuses on some word or image or concept, "ruminating" within. 
Asks God for the grace to live the mystery that is contemplated. 
Set the commitment of a few gestures to live during the day, to make a charity that has been contemplated. 
Thank the Lord for the gift of light altar. 

A particular form of meditation is the lectio divina, which is a prayerful reading of a biblical passage.

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