Saturday, January 2, 2010

The horizon of meditation and contemplation

Life is the awareness of the One in action.
There is a dimension of existence
in which the act of folding a towel
is a gesture ever.
What does this mean?
There is an object, there is a movement underway,
is a physical environment, emotional, mental,
consciousness and spiritual in which the scene happens:
entire scene is permeated with a sense of awareness vast
that involves every aspect involved.
While the scene is just the set is wrapped in sacredness.
Quell'accadere, that gesture, that environment,
that awareness, the sacredness
tell in an instant timeless
a whole, a unity.
The focus is not on the frames,
the consapevoleza is not there,
is illuminated by another.
That scene, while dynamic
while sucessione frames, is eternal.
Awareness of a sacred timeless
infinitely large.
Life within life:
is evident that the smallest gesture,
the smallest event
every little happening
of this present so deep and wide
Life is nothing but the One in action.
Now, this is evident
but the words are not helpful.
It happens that disrupt this awareness
and all fell silent in amazement.

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