Thursday, January 28, 2010

Meditation from a position of knowledge about the chakras

Today in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, many non-traditional forms of medicine are paying particular attention to the relationship between subtle and gross bodies, whereas modern medicine, as a rule, does not recognize that the anxiety of mind can cause illnesses of the body, and diseases of the body - the cause of anxiety of mind. 
An example. He likes the allopathic system, saying signs of disease, first determine which category it belongs to, and then tries to ease the pain. However, the Ayurveda system, having a more profound approach to the prevention and treatment of disease, using the five basic principles: proper diet, adequate exercise, sufficient mental activity, purity and regulate feelings of pleasure. 
When talking about the gross body, this implies the physical body, as well as the five senses: hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch. The subtle body make up the mind, intelligence and false ego. 
Understand the link between the gross and subtle bodies will know about chakras. Chakras - the energy, the driving force which is prana (subtle energy that gives life force), which distributes it to different parts of the body. Each chakra affects the physical and emotional state. In the body there are seven major chakras and even more minor. If the functioning of the chakras are not violated, then the organs connected with it will receive enough prana, and the body will be healthy. Conversely, if the chakra is not operating as it should, the work of bodies destroyed, and even quite possible that the person will cave in trouble in his personal life. 
The system of Reiki enables you to quickly restore the functioning of the chakras, which in itself means a rapid recovery of the patient, which hold a session of Reiki. In the western system of Reiki hands impose on the place where the chakras, as the chakra is readily absorbed energy healer. In the Japanese system of Reiki is that more developed in detail Chudzhiro Hayashi, hands impose on the meridians. Both are basically correct. Basically you can lay hands on any place, regardless of the location of the chakras or meridians. The energy will still go to the man and help him, but I would like to note that it is better still to impose hands on the chakras or meridians. And in this I saw in practice. Here, I shall devote more attention to the chakras, as well as knowledge about them is more common in Western countries. Although the chakras in the body quite a lot, I will describe only the seven major chakras, which play a major role in the functioning of the human body. My teacher of Reiki said: "Although there are many chakras in the treatment will be sufficient to know the basic seven." 
In fact, the people more spiritually developed and pure of heart, the more he can help the patient while he does not necessarily impose hands on the different chakras. He can put a hand or hands to any place. For example in the New Testament from Matthew 9.27 states: 
"When Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him and cried: Have mercy on us, Jesus, Son of David! When he came to the house, the blind men came to him. And Jesus said to them: Do you believe that I can do this? They said to him: Yea, Lord! Then he touched their eyes and said: According to your faith be it unto you. And their eyes were opened. " 
During the birth chakras are open and ready to take the Prana to the growth and development of gross and subtle bodies. Nevertheless, to protect themselves from negative energy, the chakras may close. The functioning of the chakras, primarily affect the remaining life of sensations and feelings experienced in childhood. 
There are two categories of people for whom knowledge of the chakras will be particularly useful. First - this is parents with children seven vosmi years (the age when a child is at the stage of development). Even though the experience of childhood and the child are subject to the laws of karma, still have a chance to prevent some problems, having knowledge of the chakras. Parents can learn to determine the state of the chakras of the child (they are open or not). 
Another category of people who could benefit from the knowledge of the chakras - these are people suffering from various diseases caused by, are known to be emotional or psychological distress. 
Figure 1 shows the location of the seven major chakras, as well as areas of the body to which they affect. It should be noted that the healers do not always agree with the fact that this is the exact location of the chakras, but the information contained in this chapter is based on knowledge learned in the Vedic scriptures, as well as my personal experience. 
The first chakra is called Muladhara in Sanskrit - it is at the end of the ridge between the anus and genitals. Muladhara is responsible for the formation of the whole organism. This chakra connects us with the basic life energy and adrenal gland. Under the control of the reaction are under stress. At the time of danger adrenal glands increase production of hormones that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. This gives a person strength and increases the speed of reflex. 
This chakra are part of the body such as: colon, legs, bones. 
The most typical type of people who have damaged the first chakra, they were criminals. People who are on an animal level of consciousness, usually only care about themselves and the production of food. If this chakra is functioning poorly then begin various diseases, such as: constipation, obesity, various hemorrhoids, radiculitis. 
Children it is important to feel protected. Otherwise, if the child does not feel safe, then to some extent, his first chakra is closed, so that the most to protect children from negative energies. Unfortunately, once closed, the chakra can remain in this state throughout life, greatly weakening the child, or, quite possibly, on the contrary, developing a strong self-interest and aggressiveness. 
The second chakra, Svadhistana, is located at the beginning of the genitals. This chakra is responsible for the feeling of pleasure (including sexual). Since this chakra is associated with the functioning of the sex glands, in the West, this chakra is considered to be only sexual chakra, although in fact it has a much larger area of influence. Children can get enough physical contact with parents, especially his mother, in fact do not face significant challenges in this area. However, children raised in an atmosphere of lack of love, will be susceptible to various violations of this chakra. The child may develop a tendency to fall into one of two extremes: one - is to do with sex, as to something disgusting or unnatural, and sometimes even fear of sexual consent, the other - to consider sex the most important thing in life. In accordance with the laws of karma in a previous life of the people of these two types of relationships with others took more than to give. If a child a man in crisis, due to which its chakra is closed, then in the future he will have difficulty in relationships with others, manifested as a strong aversion or fear of physical intimacy. People of the warehouse should try to meet others without expecting reciprocity. 
The third chakra, Manipura, is located just above the navel and directs the flow of prana to almost all internal organs located below the diaphragm. This chakra children determines the level of desire for power and control. As soon as a man brings a sense of responsibility, desire to control not necessarily become a negative trait. However, if the third chakra there are any complications, the person develops a negative quality. What will be happy to increase their power and authority. 
If a person in this life trying to control others and make decisions for someone or illegally occupy another's position, his third chakra goes down. Such souls can in the next life be born in a family where the stronger will be very hard to control them, never allowing you to use your own mind or make their own decisions. It is also possible that such souls are born in a place where chaos reigns and there is no power of authority. 
In any of the above cases, the third chakra is closed, and the consciousness in its development will fall into one of two extremes. At one extreme - a person can become timid and faint-hearted, believing that he has no ability to control their lives. Another - to apply reason and use their influence only for the ever-increasing power and might. Way to bring in balance this chakra - satisfied with what God gives. 
The fourth chakra, Anahata, is located in the chest and connected to the heart, chest and lungs. People whose parents have divorced or whose families reigned hostile atmosphere, usually broken fourth chakra. Due to the bad relations between parents, the child has a good example, he may follow. In the future, when he will have to build private family life, it will not know how to do it and what to expect from your partner. This creates a sense of personal failure, self-doubt and isolation. In most cases, in a past life, such people do not consider it necessary to surround the other concern, kindness and warmth. This is somewhat similar to the experience that affects the second chakra, but more subtle. 
Under pressure from the hostile environment experienced by a child, the human heart "hardened". So these people need someone to open his heart. But first they need to learn how to get positive emotions and experiences of themselves, and then try to make these feelings for other living beings. Since the fourth chakra of the heart associated with maternal emotion and instinct, the people, deprived of maternal care in childhood, to learn to play the role of loving mother, regardless of their gender. 
The fifth chakra, vishudha, located on the bottom of the neck in the thyroid gland. This chakra is responsible for the formation of a human perceptions and judgments, as well as for communication and speech. Children who grow up under the ban to have a voice in the future will experience a very big problem in this area. Parents, caring only about themselves, usually say: "No, you should not think so, you should think how we think." Such treatment of a child may lead to the closure of his fifth chakra. 
Another reason for the violations could be a strong love of a mother, if, as a consequence of her mother forbids a child to have an opinion. His mother manipulates his love so that the child thinks: "My mom loves me, she's so wonderful. But if I have an opinion different from her, she grieved and upset our relations. When the man closed the fifth chakra, it is not to tell anyone of what is thought or otherwise, promotes the belief that everyone should only listen to it and only accept his opinion. It is important to enable children, especially with the advent of the age, form and express their opinions, despite the fact that parents may try to keep their child in a different direction. 
The sixth chakra is located in the center of the forehead, just above the eyebrows. In Sanskrit it is called the Ajna. It is connected to the head, eyes and vision in general, but on a more subtle level - with the intuition (inner sense) and philosophical understanding. A child this chakra is associated with fantasy. One day, examining a single person, I found him a block in the sixth chakra. Assuming that the problem was related to his father, I was surprised to hear the answer: "Yes, my father and I were best friends. We often discussed together philosophy. Every month, he read a new book and then explained to me the new principle of life described in it. " The problem was that, falling under the influence of his father, philosophising, wedged under different philosophies, this man had no ground for the development of their imagination. This caused the closing of its sixth chakra. As a result, people discovered that it was very difficult to think abstractly. sixth chakra is responsible for intuition and gut feeling (instinct), but is also relevant to the subtle perception of the world. If you do not give free rein to fantasies of the child, he learned to grow in the worst sense of the word. It will be difficult to understand things that you can not see or measure. Once I saw as a child turned to his father, handing him a paper flower: "Dad, smell flower!", To which my father replied with a smile: "It is not a flower, it is just folded paper." This kind of treatment of children, holds down a child's imagination and in the future can cause all sorts of difficulties. 

The seventh chakra, Sahasrara, is located at the very top of the head and opens upward energy flux. Itself is a work of the chakras can not be broken. Its functioning depends on the condition of the other six chakras. This chakra is connected with the knowledge of God, self-realization, comprehension of the Absolute and true compassion. 

Center for Energy frame person remind its form conical or pyramid-shaped vortex, which is top of the Padma, and the base - the nerve plexus. Field charge, produced by the energy center, directly proportional to the potential of vibrational environment chakra. The amount of energy present in the chakra, to exceed its expenses, going to the exercise of their functions chakra. Yogic tradition for thousands of years has developed a "iconography", some way of images of the chakras. Such images are called Chakras Mandala and used as a memory by forming artificial associations. 
Each Mandala symbolically represented a lotus flower - round with a certain number of petals. Each of them is inscribed one of the syllables of Sanskrit, the pronunciation of which creates the most favorable working environment vibrational chakra. 
The total combination of the syllables of mantra chakra - its "password", but the principle of vibrational chakricheskoy environment is sound, coming in the utterance of BG (the root chakra the syllable). The relevant letter is located in the center of the mandala. 
Lotus petals determine the point of energy exchange with other centers of power, or rather, the number of pairs of field dipoles. 


Location: Zero chakra has Padma as no contact not only with Sushumna, but with all the human body. Located on the perineum, at the level of the knee. All contacts with other power centers are carried out on the field through resonance. Nerve plexus: the human nervous system as a whole. Endocrine glands: the whole endocrine system as a whole. Mandala Chakra brought the ball, with a built-helix, symbolizing the globe. Expresses the interpenetration and interaction of heaven and earth, predestination and personal will. Graphically, these relationships are represented by a monad, where the light of heaven, earth and dark field, separated by part of the helix of the genetic code. Thus, in heaven (white box) invades the circle is black, as the dependence of its effect on human life by personal will, as in terrestrial (black box) invades the circle is white, as the dependence of the personal will of higher powers.

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