Saturday, January 2, 2010

The cushion for meditation

The preparation of the pillow. The Buddha, as he sat under the Bodhi tree for the attainment of enlightenment, he sat on a pile of grass called "Cusco". 

It may be helpful to view oneself in the act of meditating outdoors, under the Bodhi tree on a cushion of leaves "Cusco", there is no need to display large buildings, tinsel throne or special, just imagine myself meditating under the Bodhi tree. So it's helpful to have a cushion as a base and another to sit higher, but not a precise rule, not an obligation, it is not necessary, wherever you go, carrying two bags. 

We talked about the views and cushions but you can also meditate without these elements according just sit outside. In Rome there are many beautiful parks and one can, after a walk, sit and meditate. Last summer I was in Taipei where there are very few parks, very small and filled with people practicing Tai Chi or Kung-fu, but meditation is wonderful and I think it's better than the Tai-Chi.

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