Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Life is a journey, a long way, to go more or less smoothly. In spite of us to end. 

At the end of the journey will inevitably ourselves. In fact, at this juncture, what will never have more value? The physical goods? Dust! Culture? Fog! Affections? Smoke, maybe sweet, but still smoke! 

The only "good" of course, moments before changing our dear and beloved old dress worn, will be the "true face", the original a few years ago that allowed us to be born human. 

Beyond the possible hypothetical forms of expression we do not know what is actually the "original face". In this case know to know not only would not serve anything concrete, but may even be harmful and misleading. 

What, then, is meditation? We could say, is the art of encounter with our true face, with ourselves. An appointment is no longer random and unwillingly, but aware. For this to happen, and to make current and almost immediate benefits of Yahweh conference, is necessary or essential to practice a technique almost meditative. 

Let me explain briefly, but more would not be beneficial, a method widely disseminated and known: the focus on breathing and awareness of your breath. The how and why it works is secondary and speculative. Knowing the mechanism could in some cases even affect its validity, since they affect the practice. Fact, the mind tends spontaneously to anticipate the outcomes. As the difficulties prefigure the incentive awkwardly. 
Preliminary and positions for meditation 

Choose a quiet place. He wears a suit large, comfortable. Sit following common sense, without any effort in anything, according to anatomical principles correct. Try a stool, without crossing the legs. Search, however, to stand with your back straight and without much support. 

Or sit on a cushion consisting alternatively a carpet or blanket folded. It would be preferable to a bench suitable. On an empty stomach. Legs crossed, in the classic lotus position (Padmasana) or simple (Sukhasana). Well balanced without hanging neither right nor left, neither forward nor backward. Keep your back very straight, upright and in a way which presents no more curves than the physiological ones, neck and head erect. Put your hands on your knees. Whether the side of the back or the palm. 

Stay in the position adopted as possible. Melt the position, walk a few minutes and repeat if necessary. 
Frame of mind for meditation 

The propensity, the state of mind with which to undertake the technique is open to the life and breath, moment by moment, receptivity and humility.

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