Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Meditation: Effortlessness

On the other hand, the lack of effort on the availability, there are behaviors to be observed, but with powers to conquer some sacrifice, with its application, attention, understanding, etc.. 

An example a little 'more concrete. Even a solid body that travels into space requires an initial thrust acceleration. Only then will continue to inertia, but at first the application of a certain force, a push of a planning or motivation are essential. 

How can we not have jobs does not mean to abstain from any activity, but to find ways to relax, both physically and mentally. This could happen spontaneously, but usually occurs mainly as a result of a particular employment or engagement. Do not do. But how secure the non-meditation, meditation that is as non-doing? It 'almost always essential for beginners to experiment and active involvement. Then follow, in a relatively spontaneous, a period of quiescence vigilant - rest, calm, inactivity, stillness, inertia, quiet, waiting, tranquility, surrender, acceptance, passivity - and pleasant relaxation. 

Enterprising and experienced meditators, accustomed to the merger, and the application of attention, do not be discouraged by reading the above, it is a good method, it is meant to stress the commitment to overcome the impasse that the initial, sometimes principle prevents you to meditate. But once you overcome your own shyness, the Great Seal (Maha-mudra) of Tilopa, spontaneity, since the absence of effort, may prove crucial. It depends on your natural inclinations ... 

In summary, inner peace, stress, challenges and desires are not polar opposites. To achieve the peace we need to relax, to "let go". But this kind of "surrender" the interior can only take place after a strain and its coronation - yet carefully, because the satisfaction of its desire is a temporary event which reiterates the game forever - or from having truly understood, ie not only intellectually, but existentially particular, that there is no entity that can or must surrender.

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