Wednesday, April 14, 2010

History of Yoga

Before you begin to reasonably know about yoga is something more than "yoga - this from India." It is only once acquainted with the history of yoga as a desire to learn more asanas and pranayama moved into the depths of the heart, where it does not dislodge even the incredible complexity of some of the exercises. Proceed? 

In the never-existing land Arctis, the most ancient civilization of the planet, were born knowing. When Arctis disappeared after the crash, surviving residents in a few generations, handed him the best minds in the three continents, Hittidy, Pacifis and Atlantis. But the time has come, gone and these worlds. But knowledge has passed into Ancient Egypt. Then - in doariyskuyu Indian culture. People doariyskoy India made the image, which in light of modern science, include images of yogis. It was four and a half thousand years ago. 

A thousand years before our era in the valley of the Ganges appeared the Indo-Aryan culture. In the 5-6 century BC, its sages created the sacred books of the Vedas, then - comments Upanishads, giving a powerful impetus to the development of philosophical thought. Time passed, and thought were taking effect: so were born six brahmanncheskih darshan, six philosophical systems. The names of Mimamsa, Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya and Vaisheshika. Yoga, all other systems recognized as a general method and means of knowing the world. 

It was as philosophical knowledge came to us from the last third of the first millennium BC. As a myth - from the ancient civilization. It is even older than ancient in the sense that comes from the legend. Feel what you will do? Over this time has no power. In the language of yoga with you said the world itself - in all its firmness, which attracts and impresses.

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