Sunday, January 31, 2010

Methods accumulation of Chi

In his treatise "Huang neytszin" says: "Man is born and lives through the Qi of heaven and earth". Indeed, the functioning of the human body is closely linked to the Qi of heaven and earth, of all things, it is only possible thanks not for a moment cease the exchange of information and energy with the nature, the cosmos. "Typesetting" Qi in Qigong is an active election to establish channels of communication with nature in the qigong-state and the absorption of the necessary information and man power to fill the lack of "seed", qi and mind-sheng, the balance between yin and yang in the body Rights continuous recharge chi-qigong therapist for treatment with the "external qi". 

1. General information about "scoring" qi 

1) "Typesetting" Qi can be done standing, sitting or lying down. 

2) The breath can be free and natural, and perhaps for inspiration accompanied by "scoring", and on exhalation "breeding" of "harmful qi" with an emphasis on "Typesetting" (inspiration). 

3) "Typesetting" mostly carried out through the point laogun (center of the palms), minmen (center loin), yuntsyuan (middle under oshvy) bayhuey (crown), intan (between eyes), as well as through the fingertips, the pores of the body. 

4) During the "scoring" to mentally imagine that part of the body through which the "Typesetting" ', as if united in one with heaven and earth, sun and moon, mountains and rivers, with trees and grasses that qi these objects entered the human body, as it merges with his chi and he gradually "immerses" himself in nature. It should be that all the openings of the body, all biologically active points and pores completely open, and the qi of plants, moon, sun and stars, the qi of all things in the universe a continuous stream enters the body and it is filled with bliss and joy. The main thing in "scoring" Qi - relaxation, mild course of thought, the minimal involvement of consciousness, concentrating on the sensations, silky soft and easy flow of qi in the body through the holes, pores, and skin and its way out. "Typesetting" can be made with eyes open, staring at a natural object, or eyes closed, imagine it. At the end of "scoring" important to him to complete: send the qi in the lower Dantian (area below the navel), a time to spend with his eyes closed, then wiped his eyes, rubbed his hands and face. 
2. The main methods of "scoring" qi 

1) "Typesetting" chi sun, moon, flowers and grasses, and trees. Imagine yourself as the qi of these objects through the air arrives at the point bayhuey, passes through the body down through the points yuntsyuan goes deep into the earth, returns to its holders, and then re-directed to a point bayhuey etc. 

2) "Typesetting" qi of heaven and earth. Mental picture in this case is as follows. Qi sky falls on the body or at any point, envelops the whole body into it, enter all the tendons, bones, biologically active points and internal organs. When "scoring" the qi of the earth's imagination must paint a similar picture, with the only difference being that Qi does not fall from the sky, and rises from the ground. 

3) "Typesetting" qi through the pores of the body. Downstream imagine how "pathogenic qi" is scattered across the sky through the pores of the body. On the inhale, imagine how through the pores of the body is the original space chi. 

4) "Typesetting" qi through the mouth. Priotkroyte mouth, tongue, place smoothly, without sticking. On the inhale imagine that because you needed qi continuous stream enters the mouth and throat, mentally send it to the bottom Dantian. This way you can "dial" the qi of the moon, sun, stars, plants, fields, mountains, rivers and other natural objects, as well as entire landscapes. 

5) "Typesetting" color qi "of the five primary elements. According to the teachings of the "five primary element" of the human body, the liver correlated with the tree and Typesetting "green chi carried from the east, the heart is related to the fire," Typesetting "red Qi carried from the south; spleen correlated with the land," Typesetting "yellow Qi carried out "Center", the lungs correlated with the metal, "Typesetting" white Qi carried out with the west; kidney correlate with the water, and "Typesetting" black qi is carried from the north. 

6) "Typesetting" light energy. Cover your eyes. Mentally imagine how the light of the sun, moon, stars, or just natural light, light the lamp, the flame through the eyes or point intan enters the upper Dantian (region of the forehead above the nose). You feel that the whole body begins to glow, glowing inside and outside. In this method of "scoring" qi light can be directed into the well through the top or through the pores. 

7) "Typesetting" light energy to the stimulation of voice. For inspiration, accompanied by a sound resembling the buzzing bees, imagine that the top stream of cosmic energy white and focuses on the top. On exhalation, accompanied by the sound "a-ha, this flux, as if passing through a filter that changes color to red and comes in the middle meridian. On this meridian energy moves from the top through the throat along the central axis of the body down to the perineum, and then, along with the audio, which emit when they want to cool something hot, changes color in the variegated and rushes through his legs in the foot and further highlighted in blue, goes into the ground. 

8) "Typesetting" qi with external sound. To implement this method can be used fonozapis soft, pleasant music or voice coach, as well as the natural rhythmic sounds: the hum of insects, babbling brook, and so must ensure that the internal organs and external covers, the biologically active points included in the frequency resonance with these sounds that the energy of these sounds penetrate through the skin to the bones. 

9) "Typesetting" energy through mental images. Call to mind the image of any object or phenomenon - the table, wood, beds, fire, light a lamp, a mountain river, stone, bicycle, TV, water, rain, moon, sun or stars and imagine that this object falls in your body from the head through the throat, chest and abdomen in the lower Dantian. When exercise is performed in a prone position, it is best to submit to the train, car, motorcycle, harness horses. 

As seen from the above, the methods of "scoring" of qi and energy a lot, and they are somewhat similar. Therefore, they can choose, depending on the individual characteristics of existing rights and conditions. Being engaged regularly and persistently, you will master any of them.

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