Saturday, January 2, 2010

Meditation on Om

"The two aspects of Brahman (ultimate reality) from meditation are sound (Om) and the non-sound. Meditating on the sound alone, reveals the non-sound. Moving upward, contemplation (contemplation of Om), one ascends to the non-sound. 

This is the way of immortality, complete union and tranquility. The meditator, moving upward contemplating Om, becomes independent (not attached to the outside). At the beginning you can hear different sounds. Exceed, these sounds disappear (diving) in the non-sound supreme. Who knows the sound of the Supreme Reality, reaches the highest reality. What we call sound is the syllable Om. What is its purpose is peaceful, without sound, without fear, without pain, happy, satisfied, immobile, immovable, unshakable, immortal, durable. The reality that you know is meditating on Om without sound and without attributes. Let, therefore, that we focus on (top of) head. - (Mastri Upanishads)

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