Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yoga on the unrequited love

I watched and watched many people and she survived.  Only the constant physical and spiritual practices have helped to see how easy it is based scheme of relationships when one person is dependent on another, and how can I get rid of it.  I propose to talk about the psychology of relationships...
Let us in this text we understand yoga, not as a set of exercises, but as a path to liberation.  Including the feeling of "unrequited love".  But to start with an example trace, step by step, how painful it may be dependent on another person.
An example of this: you're a good man, meet other good people and you like it (the biochemistry of this process are omitted).  You can also like him, and you may even talked for a while, but he goes about his business, because it is so used to it.  He could have longer be with you, but it needs to destroy habits, due to other people, but it's a big waste of energy - not everyone will be solved.
You might be glad that the world has such a wonderful person, and that he met you ...  For an infant, for example, it would be the only possible reaction.  But the mind is an adult behaves differently.  Often, he passes sentence: you are not good enough that this man was there.  Self-esteem immediately outraged: "It's something I'm not good enough?" And to prove the contrary, forces you to look for new meetings with this man.
Birth depending
Your every move is now directed to the fact that love, to become even better.  You usually wash your clothes, stay appearance (for a man also applies) ...  You wonder that with each passing day your new acquaintance is becoming more significant to you.  And it's inevitable, if your self-esteem has chosen his litmus test - an indicator of your perfection.  Love and devotion to others is no longer in effect.  While this one does not recognize that you are worthy of love, you do not calm down.
If your friend - a clever man, he will never satisfy your ego or your passion fades, and you will cease to lavish gifts to his "love."
If your friend is not only smart, but kind, he will show you the trap of the mind, where you were.  Then yoga you may not need it.
If your friend is simply "beautiful" - welcome to the yoga-hospital!

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